Michigan Supreme Court Requires Use of Preferred Gender Pronouns

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Michigan Supreme Court Adopts Gender Pronoun Rule

On September 27, 2023, the Michigan Supreme Court issued an order requiring judges, attorneys, and court personnel to address litigants by their preferred gender pronouns. In a divided decision, the court took a bold step towards ensuring that transgender, non-binary, and gender non-conforming individuals are treated with respect and dignity throughout the court proceedings.

The Importance of Gender Pronouns

Using a person's correct gender pronouns is a small but critical step in acknowledging their identity and validating their existence. For transgender and gender non-conforming individuals, being misgendered can have severe and long-lasting effects on their mental health and well-being. When someone is addressed by the wrong pronoun, it can feel like a rejection of their very being, leading to anxiety, depression, and a sense of invisibility.

Misgendering in Courtrooms

Court proceedings are high-stress environments, and for transgender and non-binary individuals, the fear of being misgendered can add to that stress. In the past, court personnel (including judges and attorneys) often used incorrect pronouns when addressing transgender individuals, either out of ignorance or malice. The consequences of this misgendering could be disastrous, leading to incorrect identification, wrongful arrest, and prolonged detention. However, with the new rule imposed by the Michigan Supreme Court, this concern will no longer be a factor.

Controversy Surrounding the Decision

Not all members of the Michigan Supreme Court agreed with the decision to adopt the gender pronoun rule. Some argued that it was an overreach of the court's power, while others believed that it violated their freedom of speech. However, the majority believed that this was a necessary and reasonable step towards protecting the rights of transgender, non-binary, and gender non-conforming individuals. Moreover, the court stated that failure to address individuals with their preferred pronouns would constitute a violation of their civil rights.

The Impact of the Decision

The decision by the Michigan Supreme Court to adopt the gender pronoun rule is a significant milestone in the fight for equity and inclusivity in the legal system. By explicitly acknowledging and respecting the gender identities of all individuals who enter the courtroom, the court is creating a precedent for other jurisdictions to follow. This decision also sends a strong message to the trans and non-binary communities that they are seen and valued within the judicial system and that their rights will be protected.

Criticism of the Rule

Despite the positive impact that the gender pronoun rule is likely to have, some critics argue that it is unnecessary and even dangerous. Those opposed to the rule fear that it will lead to a proliferation of made-up gender pronouns, making communication difficult and confusing. Others believe that it is an unnecessary imposition on free speech and that individuals should be able to use whatever pronouns they choose. However, the Michigan Supreme Court's decision to implement this rule has been praised by leading LGBTQ+ organizations across the country.

The Way Forward

The Michigan Supreme Court's decision to adopt the gender pronoun rule is a critical step towards creating a more inclusive and equitable society. However, there is still much work to be done to ensure that transgender, non-binary, and gender non-conforming individuals are protected under the law. The fight for equal rights and justice is far from over, and it is up to all of us to continue working towards a more just and equitable world.


Michigan Supreme Court Adopts Gender Pronoun Rule-

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